Basically, Hillary says she dodged bullets during her 1996 goodwill visit to As you might imagine any First Lady’s foreign excursions to a war zone would be generously documented. This trip with her daughter Chelsey was no exception. We see on film her red carpet-like reception, her maternal exchange with the little Bosnian girl, dignitaries and soldiers all smiling and hand-shaking right there on the tarmac out (shudder) in the “open”. 12 years later and vigorously campaigning for President, why would she suddenly decide flamboyant, Rambo-esque embellishments could possibly go unchallenged?
Apparently this is the season of headlining-style 'what were they thinking?!' missteps:
$80,000 hooker ones in NYC (misamazing!)
Thousands of lurid Detroit mayoral text mismessages
and rabidly racist psycho pastor tantrums
that are incredibly mislistened.
Oh yeah, and the misfootsied men's bathroom I'm resigning no wait I changed my mind I'm really not gay and my groveling confession doesn't count thing...
Then there are some people who should have thought of creative vocabulary to explain themselves..........but didn't.
And of course, the ultimate Miss Misspeak whose colossal manglement of the language and concept of world geography we all marveled at, like such as - in a nice way.
Damage control now in furious full-swing, Hillary apologized for her “mistake”, added pretty casually it proves she “is human”, and claims she “misspoke”. (Clinton says she says “hundreds of thousands of words in a day”, and it could happen to anyone, you know.) As a last-ditch validation, she asserts she got it right in her book.
Her campaign need not nanny-nanny-boo-boo blame the Bosnian film clip on Obama’s camp as another “personal” dig; the whole event did not happen in a vacuum and can hardly be considered personal when she said it and we can see it.
She missed her mark in history way back then! When Bill finally quit trying to define the meaning of “it” and admitted he did ruin Monica’s dress, all of womanhood would have lauded her and given her Respect for Life if she had dumped him right then, in the White House.
Why oh WHY do people who are smart, talented, articulate and like, totally advantaged - resort so easily to language that mocks the listener?
I did some research on the relatively recent popularity of misspeak. From an accreditation and continuing professional education course, I found an interesting tutorial in Communication Skills For Managers Fourth Edition (Sherberg $79.95). Here we are introduced to 'Weasel Words':
"It’s tempting to sneer at people who use weasel words-until we stop to realize that we all use them. It’s becoming rarer and rarer these days to read a newspaper or watch TV or listen to a speech without encountering words designed to cover up or distract or mislead. Inevitably, some of these words and phrases make their way into our vocabularies. Suddenly, without even thinking about it, we find ourselves talking about “misspeaking” when we mean “lying,” “limited success” when we mean “failure,” and “inventory shrinkage’’ when we mean “shoplifting.”
I am planning on utilizing this socially accepted way to deceive and dupe just as soon as I decide which story suits my ego more; saving an orphan baby from a mad dog or a cheetah, or thwarting a terrorist attack on Rose Lane School at Kindergarten dismissal time. If the crossing guard, school bus drivers, parents, school staff and the cheetah contradict my claim, I can shrug it off and say, “Oopsie! I guess you got me. I misspoke.” You'll understand, right?
* Credits & Disclaimers:
Amazing cheetah reference credited to 13 yr. old Rachel E. Tanner
This blog was not Hillary bashing. A lot of other unbelievable goof-ups were matter-of-factly acknowledged.